Lucas has been having a great month! He gets lots of comments on how tall and skinny he is looking these days (although he's still got a little baby chub left thank goodness). He's starting to stand on his own for 10-20 seconds at a time, and is up to turbo speeds with his little walker.
I'm also prepared to officially proclaim his first word as "Mama." He's been making the sound for ages but it's become clear that he uses for me specifically. No other words yet, although I suspect "nana" (banana) may be our second word. He uses it fairly often around breakfast time. Definitely his dad's son! (Brandon was notorious for being banana-obsessed as a kid; he still eats one every day when we have them).
He still loves playing the "chase me" game, as well as new games like "let's put things on top of each other's heads" and "I'm going to fling myself from your arms, catch me Mama okay?"
Sleep training has stalled; hoping to start more consistently once we move to the new house and can significantly darken his room during the day. I'm fine with it, not in any rush to "fix" him. Although I'm sure his grandma who is taking care of him overnight for the first time next weekend wishes I was in a little more hurry to get him sleeping like a big kid.
Life has been pretty boring for Lucas the past few weeks as we try to get everything packed and ready to go for the move. Looking forward to getting settled in the new place!
Here are a couple photos, since most of the good ones were already posted on Facebook throughout the month.
Discovering the toilet paper roll, a great moment. |
Baby's first Easter basket was a hit! |
Practicing to be a big, walking boy soon. |
He still has his adorable snuggly baby moments. |
Eleven months old today! |
Happy 11 months! I feel like the time is flying by and we will be having 1st birthday photos to look at all too soon. Glad your little man is starting to stand solo. The confidence is what they need to start taking first steps.