Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Easter Photos

I was just about to write a quick blog about my birthday but realized I never put all of our Easter photos in one place so I wanted to do so now.

We had a nice holiday this year and were even able to do a few of the fun kid-centric Easter activities. The day before Easter, after a highly successful attempt with my moms' club, we did a little Easter egg dying at home with the hardboiled eggs slated to be deviled for the following day's dinner at our friends' house. He took it all very seriously and kept transferring each egg from one dye color to the other, so many of them turned out to be a sort of greenish-brown color.

Easter morning was actually quite hectic for me and Brandon, as we had to fill in for missing church volunteers and so both of us worked for two services instead of attending any. I was a little bummed to miss out on Easter church but tried to have a good attitude that I was allowing other parents that opportunity. I worked in my usual location, the infant room, for first service with my friend's son, a super-chill one-year-old.

Second service I worked in the toddler room for the first time, with the idea being that I would be with Lucas so he would hopefully get through the whole service without a meltdown - the usual result whenever we try to stay for a second service. That part actually worked out well, despite my having to carry him on my hip for the last 45 minutes. The part I wasn't prepared for was wrangling seven 1-2 year olds with only one other mom to help me! We barely survived, and there was no thought of organized snack and craft time -- I have no idea how the usual teachers manage it! The rest of the day and into Monday, I felt like I'd finished running a half-marathon. Remind me not work in a daycare any time soon.

At church in our Easter best!

After church and some rest/naps for everyone, we attempted an Easter egg hunt in the backyard and Lucas got a small Easter basket with a few toys in it. I had a lot of fun and Lucas did too, especially after he figured out that the eggs were filled with fruit snacks, graham bunnies, and Reese's Pieces! 

In the afternoon/evening, we hung out with our friends at their house and were so grateful to join their delicious Easter dinner of ham, potatoes, and all the fixings. It was a wonderful holiday as a family!

Playing in the sand with his bestie!

One more book to end a long day!

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