Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy New Year 2013!

Happy New Year!  Welcome to Life Tossed Together, our new project for the year. 

We had grand plans to start this last summer, but then we had our son Lucas and all previous plans went right out the window! Nearly eight months later, we’re about ready to try again. Now that I’ve got more of a handle on this stay-at-home mom thing, and Lucas has a more predictable routine, we’ve got a bit of free time to play with and I’ve got enough brain energy to focus on more than keeping my baby and myself alive and well. It will be nice doing a little writing and sharing our family with the internet and what will surely be tens of readers, or half a dozen at least.

Here are some things we’re looking forward to this year:
  • Elizabeth’s 30th Birthday, and in theory, our first overnight away from Lucas to visit my very favorite place: Disneyland.
  • Lucas’s First Birthday. Don’t worry, we won’t be throwing any Pinterest-worthy blowouts, but there will certainly be a few photos of Lucas stuffing his face with cake.
  • With hope, our first trip to Europe together to visit the UK in the fall, if I can manage to convince myself to leave the baby with his grandparents for longer than 24 hours.
  • Potentially becoming homeowners at some point this year, if the finances work out and we’re able to find somewhere we love.

I hope you’ll stick around and follow our occasionally interesting lives as the year progresses. We’ve got a lot of ideas for fun stuff on the blog, so stick around! I’m hoping to update a few times a week if I can manage it.

1 comment:

  1. Yippeee! Sounds like a great year ahead. Looking forward to the updates!
