For as long as I can remember, the following has occasionally happened when I stand up:
1. Light-headedness, dizziness
2. Vision blacking out
3. Legs going weak
This happens maybe a few times a week, max. It's never been that big of a deal to me, and I've never actually passed out. Until yesterday.
I was home with Lucas first thing in the morning after we'd gotten out of bed. I had just decided to get up off the couch to get my coffee. The next thing I knew, I thumped my head against the edge of a kitchen chair and then the dining room floor as I passed out cold on my way to the kitchen. Luckily, Lucas was nowhere near me, although he quickly came padding over to see what Mama was making so much noise about.
I was fine, maybe a little shaken up, and Brandon decided to come home from work after I texted him what had happened. The three of us trooped off to urgent care to get me checked out. Let me tell you, dragging a 9-month-old to urgent care is awesome. Lucas did okay, although he was pretty frustrated that we wouldn't let him crawl around.
They did lots of tests -- EKG, chest x-ray, and bloodwork to test iron levels, sodium, hydration, and electrolytes. Everything came back normal, hooray! Just your run-of-the-mill fainting spell. How Victorian of me.
Essentially, the doctor said that because I am tall and slender, the blood has a tough time getting quickly all the way up to my head. So I need to slow down a bit. And drink more milkshakes. Okay, the last part might be a paraphrase. Regardless, my Thursday ended up being a lot more exciting than I had anticipated.
In other news, the house hunting is going great! Or else is extremely frustrating, depending on what day you ask me. Hopefully we'll have a fun update soon.