Sunday, March 24, 2013

Ten-Month Photos

I realized, just because I don't have much say about Lucas's tenth month doesn't mean he didn't look super cute during it! Here are some photos I took during my biggest boy's tenth month of life. Enjoy some cuteness!

How big is Lucas? So big!

The face he gives me when we're about to read his favorite book, Little Blue Truck

I'm coming to get you, Mama!

Let no one claim that Lucas does not love his Mama.

He gets his face-making skills from me.

Playing in our fort on a rainy day.

Looking more like a kid every day!

Ugh, it's been a really rough day, Mama.

Sporting our new summer hat at the park.

Roar! I'm a scary monster!

What Lucas does if you stick out your tongue at him.

Love this sweet face.

Stink faces after he ruined my run with a stroller tantrum.

Learning to walk with our new toy!

1 comment:

  1. The stink faces is priceless. Looks like it has been another awesome month!
